Učite engleski online

Pridružite se našim časovima i unapredite svoje veštine u govoru, pisanju i slušanju.

Online časovi engleskog

Pridružite se našim online časovima i unapredite svoje znanje engleskog jezika iz udobnosti doma.

Individualni časovi

Naučite engleski jezik uz personalizovane časove sa iskusnim nastavnicima British Council-a.

A person sits at a table in a soundproofed room, speaking into a large microphone. They have headphones around their neck and a laptop open in front of them. The room is equipped with professional audio recording equipment, and there is a water bottle on the table.
A person sits at a table in a soundproofed room, speaking into a large microphone. They have headphones around their neck and a laptop open in front of them. The room is equipped with professional audio recording equipment, and there is a water bottle on the table.
Grupni časovi

Učite engleski jezik u malim grupama i ostvarite svoje ciljeve uz podršku nastavnika.

Časovi dostupni 24/7, prilagodite svoj raspored i učite kada vam najviše odgovara.

Fleksibilno učenje
A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
A dimly lit scene featuring a vintage book with the title 'Written and Spoken English', placed on a dark wooden surface. Nearby, a small, sculpted incense holder in the shape of a cat emits a thin trail of smoke. In the background, there is a rustic metal coffee pot with coffee beans scattered around.
A dimly lit scene featuring a vintage book with the title 'Written and Spoken English', placed on a dark wooden surface. Nearby, a small, sculpted incense holder in the shape of a cat emits a thin trail of smoke. In the background, there is a rustic metal coffee pot with coffee beans scattered around.

Kursevi su aplikativni i praktični, a nastavnici su veoma stručni. Moje znanje engleskog se značajno poboljšalo. Preporučujem svima!

Milica J.

A close-up view of a page from a book with text printed in two columns. The text is clear and in English, featuring both narrative and dialogues. There are dotted lines on the left side of the page, possibly for writing notes.
A close-up view of a page from a book with text printed in two columns. The text is clear and in English, featuring both narrative and dialogues. There are dotted lines on the left side of the page, possibly for writing notes.
